Recovering Wonder: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”
A one-week summer pilgrimage and theology conference, for Catholic and Catholic-friendly truth seekers. Apologetics presentations will be combined with liturgy, meditations, discussions and tours of religious art and architecture. Presented by The Apologetics Institute and the Pontifical University Santa Croce.
May 31 – June 8, 2024 in Rome
Ground package, without airfare: $1450
Students pay 1/2 rate: $725
Announcing a Rome Pilgrimage and Apologetics Conference, June 1-7, 2024
Theme–Recovering Wonder“
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” “Come to Me and I will give you life.” “You are the light of the world.”
- The wonder of the Holy Trinity: the supreme mystery of our faith. “I and the Father are one.”
- The wonder of the Incarnation: “God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son.”
- The wonder of the Eucharist: “I am the Bread of Life that came down from heaven” “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you.”
- The wonder of Confession: “Repent and believe the Gospel.” “I have come to call sinners.” “Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven.”
We look forward to a spiritually enriching week…We come to Rome to recover wonder: to deepen our faith in the divine mysteries and savor the treasures of Catholic art.
— and our discipleship! To learn, discuss and be inspired here at the center of Christendom — delve into the supreme divine mysteries and gifts of our faith, the Incarnation and the Holy Eucharist –while surrounded by this home to many saints/ martyrs/ Church Fathers/ fearless apologists /among the most brilliant intellects of the known world in those early centuries after Christ/ savor the magnificence of ancient Catholic art and architecture–
We will live, worship, learn, socialize and tour together. We will enjoy invigorating theological conferences and inspiring meditations and touring of the treasures of Catholic art and architecture in Rome and Florence.
Awash in today’s sea of skepticism and cynicism– men and women of faith are needed! People are looking for something solid!! Christ needs us!!! He wanted to count on us!!
Singles and couples welcome.
Our tentative program for the week:
Saturday, June 1 Arrival. Settle in at St. Peter Boutique apartments.
Evening dinner together nearby. Evening get-together with Fr. John Wauck.
Sunday, June 2 –Morning meditation with Fr. John Wauck. Mass to be arranged – St. Peter’s?
Banquet together at nearby restaurant.
Afternoon: Prof. Jim Papandrea will present on “The Holy Trinity: the supreme mystery of our faith.” Exploring the earliest Christian theology on the Trinity. (See his work: “Handed Down: The Catholic Faith of the Early Christians.”
Monday, June 3 – Morning sessions at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) Fr. Paul O’Callaghan will present on
- God’s supreme gift to mankind: “The Incarnation, the Sacred Humanity of Christ.”
- The Redemption
Mass at noon at St. Apollinare, with Fr. John Wauck. Dinner banquet together, nearby.
Afternoon touring – Basilicas of St. Peter’s and Santa Maria Maggiore with Prof. Ralf Van Buhren
Tuesday, June 4 – Morning sessions at Santa Croce with Prof. Jeff Morrow
- Eucharistic theology: prefigured in the Old Testament; consistent teachings of the Fathers on the Real Presence
- Eucharistic theology: The Last Supper: Eucharist as Sacrifice and Sacrament
Noon Mass at St. Apollinaire chapel. Dinner together nearby.
Afternoon touring. Evening bonus presentation by Jonathan Tanaka: Medieval history of Eucharistic theology.
Evening: walking tour of Rome.
Wednesday, June 5 – Professor Jeffrey Morrow
- History of the theology of the Sacrament of Confession
- Forgiveness of our sins and rebirth to the life of sanctifying grace: divinization.
Noon Mass at Santa Croce. Lunch together.
Afternoon tour of the catacombs and lecture on the early Roman Martyrs with Prof. David Alvis
Thursday, June 6 – morning Mass. Day trip to Florence. Lecture and guided tours by Prof. Ralf van Buhren and with Matias Sur (Dante scholar).
Friday, June 7 –Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Meditation and Mass at Opus Dei headquarters, 75 Viale Bruno Buozzi. Meeting with the Prelate, Msgr Fernando Ocariz. Afternoon touring with Fr. John Wauck.
Saturday, June 8 – Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. departure.
Program Highlights
Countering today’s pervasive culture of atheism
Fr. John Wauck
The Wonder of the Incarnation. Appreciating the Humanity of Christ.
Fr. Paul O’Callaghan
The Wonder of the Sacrament of Confession
Prof. Jeffrey Morrow
The Wonder of the Holy Eucharist, part 1: The prefiguring of the Eucharist in the Old Testament: the sacrificial banquet.
Prof Jeffrey Morrow
The Wonder of the Holy Eucharist, part 2: The Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian Life
Prof Jeffrey Morrow
Commentary on “The Didache” (the oldest extant catechism)
Prof. Jim Papandrea
The week will be rich in the spirit of pilgrimage. Participants will visit the sites — in Rome and nearby towns — related to the seminar lectures. There will be daily opportunities to explore archeological treasures and pray at shrines that were important to the early Christians. Engaging the senses is key to forming a Catholic imagination and cultivating a deep sense of history.
Holy Mass, the Rosary and prayer time will be available daily.
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